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From GreaseSpot Wiki
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- @grant
- API Reference
- API reference
- Avoid Common Pitfalls in Greasemonkey
- CSS Independent Content
- Capturing and Bubbling
- Code Snippets
- Code snippets
- Coding tips
- Conditional Logging
- Content Scope Runner
- Content Script Injection
- Contributing to Greasemonkey
- GM.deleteValue
- GM.getResourceText
- GM.getResourceUrl
- GM.getValue
- GM.listValues
- GM.notification
- GM.openInTab
- GM.registerMenuCommand
- GM.setClipboard
- GM.setValue
- GM.xmlHttpRequest
- GM.xmlhttpRequest
- GM addStyle
- GM config
- GM deleteValue
- GM getResourceText
- GM getResourceURL
- GM getValue
- GM info
- GM listValues
- GM log
- GM openInTab
- GM registerMenuCommand
- GM setClipboard
- GM setValue
- GM xhr
- GM xmlhttpRequest
- GM xmlhttprequest
- Generate Click Events
- Getting Help
- Greasemonkey
- Greasemonkey Manual
- Greasemonkey Manual:API
- Greasemonkey Manual:APIs
- Greasemonkey Manual:Editing
- Greasemonkey Manual:Environment
- Greasemonkey Manual:Getting Help
- Greasemonkey Manual:Installing Scripts
- Greasemonkey Manual:Metadata Block
- Greasemonkey Manual:Monkey Menu
- Include and exclude rules
- Links
- Location hack
- Magic TLD
- Mailing list
- Main Page
- Manual
- Metadata
- Metadata Block
- Metadata block
- Monkey Menu
- Multi Line Strings
- Programmatic Navigation
- Promise
- Reading Content Globals
- Recipes
- Sandbox
- Security
- Third-Party Libraries
- Troubleshooting (Script Authors)
- Troubleshooting (Users)
- Tutorials
- UnsafeWindow
- User Script Hosting
- User script
- Version
- Version history
- Welcome
- Window.focus
- XPath
- XPathExpression
- XPath Helper
- Xpath