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This method retrieves a value that was set with GM.setValue. See GM.setValue for details on the storage of these values.


function GM_getValue( name, default )

Compatibility: Greasemonkey 4.0+


String The property name to get. See GM.setValue for details.
Optional. The default value to be returned when none has previously been set.


A Promise, rejected in case of error and otherwise resolved with:

When this name has been set
String, Integer or Boolean as previously set
When this name has not been set, and default is provided
The value passed as default
When this name has not been set, and default is not provided


Retrieving the value associated with the name 'foo':

console.log(await GM.getValue("foo")); 

Retrieving the value associated with the name 'timezoneOffset' with a default value defined:

//GM_getValue() returns the value -5 (integer) if no value 
//   associated with the name timezoneOffset is found in storage

console.log(await GM.getValue("timezoneOffset", -5)); 

A more complex example:

If you have used JSON.stringify to place an object into storage, JSON.parse shall be used to convert it back from a string to a Javascript Object.

//Note that if the value associated with foo is an invalid
//   JSON string, JSON.parse will fail.
//   Also Note the default value is in quotes (thus a string) rather than an object literal

var storedObject = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue("foo", "{}")); 

if (!storedObject) {
  //JSON.parse() should never return any value that type-casts to false, assume there is an 
  //   error in the input string
  console.warn('Error! JSON.parse failed - The stored value for "foo" is likely to be corrupted.');

See Also