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// ==UserScript==
User scripts are programs which make on-the-fly changes to specific web pages, typically to change their appearance or to add or modify functionality.
// @name          FFS USER STATISTIC
// @description    Replace ads top panel by ratio info in all the profiles you visit. It also removes these blocks of ads at the top and bottom in Dashboard.
// @include*
// @include*
// @include
// @include
// ==/UserScript==

User scripts for [[Greasemonkey]] and Greasemonkey-compatible alternatives are written in [ JavaScript].
If you would like to write user scripts yourself, see [[Greasemonkey Manual:Editing]].

// This is a subfunction to remove commas from text and
== See Also ==
// turn it into a number.
* [[wikipedia:Augmented browsing|Augmented browsing at Wikipedia]]
function removecommas(txt) {
return parseInt(txt.substring(1).replace(/,/g,""), 10);
// And this is the subfunction to add commas to a number
function addcommas(num) {
var txt = String(num);
var oRegEx = new RegExp('(-?[0-9]+)([0-9]{3})');
while(oRegEx.test(txt)) {
txt = txt.replace(oRegEx, '$1,$2');
return txt;
//alert('DEBUG -->' + document.location.href);
if ( document.location.href != "" &&
document.location.href != "") {//we are not in the dashboard
//alert('DEBUG -->' + 'Dang xem Profile');
// Get all money amounts on the page
var money = document.getElementsByClassName("money");
/*alert('money ' + money[0].innerHTML); //--> self cash****
alert('money ' + money[1].innerHTML); //--> self value
alert('money ' + money[2].innerHTML); //--> self cash
alert('money ' + money[3].innerHTML); //--> owner value
alert('money ' + money[4].innerHTML); //--> owner cash
alert('money ' + money[5].innerHTML); //--> first pet value
alert('money ' + money[6].innerHTML); //--> first pet cash
alert('money ' + money[7].innerHTML); //--> second pet value
alert('money ' + money[8].innerHTML); //--> second pet cash
// The second one is the user's value
var value = removecommas(money[1].innerHTML);
// The third one is the user's cash
var cash = removecommas(money[2].innerHTML);
//alert('DEBUG ' + ' value[' + value + '], cash[' + cash + ']');
// Get the parent of the last shown pet list
// which should be the user's pets.
var pets = document.getElementsByClassName("pets-item");
//pets = pets[pets.length - 1].getElementsByClassName("user_preview");
// initialize sum and sum2 to zero
var pet, sum = 0, sum2 = 0;
// iterate through pets
for (pet in pets) {
// ignore any pets not displayed
if (pets[pet].getElementsByClassName) {
// first money amount is value, add to sum
var petvalue = removecommas(pets[pet].getElementsByClassName("money")[0].innerHTML);
sum += petvalue;
// name of the pet is innerHTML of second anchor
var petname = pets[pet].getElementsByTagName("a")[1].innerHTML;
// sum2 will exclude pets named private
if (petname != "private") { sum2 += petvalue; }
// Calculate prices for money spent and potential money once sold
var sumB = Math.ceil(1.01*sum);
var sum2B = Math.ceil(1.01*sum2);
var sumC = Math.ceil(1.05*sum);
var sum2C = Math.ceil(1.05*sum2);
// Calculate assets to value ratio,
// format with three decimal places.
var atv = (sum + cash)/value;
var atv2 = (sum2 + cash)/value;
var atvB = (sumB + cash)/value;
var atv2B = (sum2B + cash)/value;
var atvC = (sumC + cash)/value;
var atv2C = (sum2C + cash)/value;
// Calculate percent invested,
// format as percentage with two decimal places
var pctInv = 100*(1-(cash/(sum + cash)));
var pctInv2 = 100*(1-(cash/(sum2 + cash)));
var pctInvB = 100*(1-(cash/(sumB + cash)));
var pctInv2B = 100*(1-(cash/(sum2B + cash)));
var pctInvC = 100*(1-(cash/(sumC + cash)));
var pctInv2C = 100*(1-(cash/(sum2C + cash)));
// Calculate total assets; format with commas
var assets = addcommas(sum + cash);
var assetsB = addcommas(sumB + cash);
var assetsC = addcommas(sumC + cash);
// Caculate total assets excluding private
var assets2 = addcommas(sum2 + cash);
var assets2B = addcommas(sum2B + cash);
var assets2C = addcommas(sum2C + cash);
// Put together final output!
// Calculations excluding private go in parens.
var statistic_info =
"<table cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">" +
"  <tr>" + //headers
"    <th scope=\"col\" style=\"color: #FF0000\">USER STATISTIC</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">ACTUAL VALUE RATIO</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">SPENT MONEY RATIO</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">ONCE SOLD RATIO</th>" +
"  </tr>" +
"  <tr>" + //headers
"    <td style=\"border-bottom:  1px solid #AAAAAA\" colspan=\"0\"></td>" +
"  </tr>" +
"  <tr class=\"odd\">" + //Pet Value
"    <th scope=\"col\">Pet Value</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">$" + addcommas(sum) + "</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">$" + addcommas(sumB) + "</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">$" + addcommas(sumC) + "</th>" +
"  </tr>" +
"  <tr class=\"even\">" + //Assets Value
"    <th scope=\"col\">Assets Value</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">$" + assets + "</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">$" + assetsB + "</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">$" + assetsC + "</th>" +
"  </tr>" +
"  <tr class=\"even\">" + //A/V Ratio
"    <th scope=\"col\">A/V Ratio</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">" + atv.toFixed(3) + "</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">" + atvB.toFixed(3) + "</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">" + atvC.toFixed(3) + "</th>" +
"  </tr>" +
"  <tr class=\"even\">" + //% Invested
"    <th scope=\"col\">% Invested</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">" + pctInv.toFixed(2) + "%</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">" + pctInvB.toFixed(2) + "%</th>" +
"    <th scope=\"col\">" + pctInvC.toFixed(2) + "%</th>" +
"  </tr>" +
var imgStatus, txtColor, txtStatus, imgFocus = "";
if (sum == 0 || pctInv == 0) {
imgStatus = "";
txtColor = "#ffff00";
txtStatus = "InActive";
else {
if (pctInvC > 50) {
imgFocus = "<img src=\"\" style=\"position: absolute; left: 65px; top: 71px;\" alt=\"FOCUS STARS\"/>";
imgStatus = "";
if (pctInvC > 85) {
txtColor = "#ff0000";
txtStatus = "Hot";
else if (pctInvC > 60) {
txtColor = "#770033";
txtStatus = "Profit";
else {
txtColor = "#444444";
txtStatus = "Active";
statistic_rank = "" +
//"<div>" +
"  <img src=\"" + imgStatus + "\" style=\"position: absolute; left: 65px; top: 71px;\" alt=\"PET STATUS\"/>" +
"  <a href=\"" + document.location.href + "\" style=\"width: 68px; height: 66px; display: block; color: " + txtColor + "; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; position: absolute; left: 67px; top: 88px;\" onclick=\"return wait_for_load(this, event, function() { (new Image()).src = &#039;/ajax/ct.php?app_id=7019261521&amp;action_type=3&amp;post_form_id=b21a05f78cb29762e39a7b37b6dec4f7&amp;position=3&amp;&#039; + Math.random();return true; });\">" + txtStatus +
"    <span style=\"font-size: 13px; display: block;\">pet</span>" +
"  </a>" +
//"</div>" +
statistic_tag = "" +
"<table class=\"user_statistic_rank\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"70%\" border=\"1\" align=\"center\">" +
"  <tr>" + //headers
"    <th scope=\"col\" width=\"80px\">" + statistic_rank + "</th>" +
"    <td colspan style=\"text-align: right;\">" + statistic_info + "</td>" +
"  </tr>" +
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace("<ul class=\"navigation clearbox\"",
"<ul>" + statistic_tag + "</ul>" +
"<ul class=\"navigation clearbox\"");
//document.body.innerHTML = statistic_tag;
else {
//alert('DEBUG -->' + 'Dang xem Dashboard');

Revision as of 16:37, 3 November 2017

User scripts are programs which make on-the-fly changes to specific web pages, typically to change their appearance or to add or modify functionality.

User scripts for Greasemonkey and Greasemonkey-compatible alternatives are written in JavaScript. If you would like to write user scripts yourself, see Greasemonkey Manual:Editing.

See Also