Troubleshooting (Users)

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// ==UserScript== // @name IkariamFriendList // @version 0.4 // @namespace Elnaira // @description This script adds a small button to your Ikariam playfield. On mouseover a field will expand where you will be able to add friends and their respective URLs to a list allowing quick access to your friends islands. // @include http://*ikariam.*/index.php* // ==/UserScript== // =========================================================================== // This script has been made by Elnaira (c) // Remember this is still in beta. Please leave comments, tips, suggestions and feedback behind at // // Beta // // v0.4 - Exporting and importing your friendlist is now possible // - Made code a bit cleaner // v0.3 - Able to use current page URL in URL field // - Removed name check // - Improved background image // - Improved font color // - Changed button style to those of Ikariam buttons // v0.2 - Added delete function // v0.1 - Making list appear on mouseover // - Improved images // ===========================================================================

// Function to add styles if(!window.addGlobalStyle){ function addGlobalStyle(css) { var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return; } style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); } }

// The actual styles addGlobalStyle( '#flBox { height: 29px; width: 29px; position: absolute; margin:-189px 29px -18px 945px; z-index:31; }' + '#flHeader { height: 26px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; text-align: center; padding-top: 5px; cursor: pointer; }' + '#flHeader2 { height: 26px; width: 26px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; text-align: right; cursor: pointer; }' + '#flContent { height: 395px; background-image: url(; margin-top: -5px; padding: 7px; overflow: auto; display: none; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; }' + '#flFooter { background-image: url(; height: 5px; display: none; }' + '#flBox ul { margin-left: 25px; } #flBox li { list-style: disc; } #flBox img{ margin-bottom:-3px; } #flBox ul a, #flBox p a { color: #542c0f; text-decoration: none; } #flBox ul a:hover, #flBox p a:hover{ color: #542c0f; text-decoration: underline; }' + '#flBox input[type=text]{ color: #542c0f; background-color: #f3edd3; border: 1px solid #542c0f; font-size: 12px; padding: 1px; width: 100px;}');

// If the list does not exist make it with value 0 if(!GM_getValue("IkariamFriendList")){ GM_setValue("IkariamFriendList", "0"); }

var IkariamFriendList = GM_getValue("IkariamFriendList");

// Add friend function unsafeWindow.flAddFriend = function(){

var flNewName = document.getElementById("flNewName"); var flNewLink = document.getElementById("flNewLink");

if(flNewName.value == "" || flNewName.value == flNewName.defaultValue || flNewLink.value == "" || flNewLink.value == flNewLink.defaultValue){ return alert("Please fill in all fields."); }

var NewFriendListContent = ;

if(IkariamFriendList == "0"){ NewFriendListContent = flNewName.value + '|' + flNewLink.value + ';'; } else{ NewFriendListContent = IkariamFriendList + flNewName.value + '|' + flNewLink.value + ';'; }

window.setTimeout(GM_setValue, 0, "IkariamFriendList", NewFriendListContent);

return window.location.reload();


// Delete friend function unsafeWindow.flDeleteFriend = function(FriendName, FriendLink){

var flConfirm = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete " + FriendName + "?");

if(flConfirm == 1){

var NewFriendListContent = ;

flFiler = FriendName + '|' + FriendLink + ';'; NewFriendListContent = IkariamFriendList.replace(flFiler, );

if(NewFriendListContent == ""){ NewFriendListContent = "0"; }

window.setTimeout(GM_setValue, 0, "IkariamFriendList", NewFriendListContent);

return window.location.reload();


return; };

// Function to open/close the frame unsafeWindow.flToggleFrame = function(nr){

if(nr == 1){

document.getElementById("flButtonArea").innerHTML = '



document.getElementById("flContent").style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById("flFooter").style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById("flBox").style.height = '440px'; document.getElementById("flBox").style.width = '150px'; document.getElementById("flBox").style.margin = '-189px 29px -18px 821px'; } else{

document.getElementById("flButtonArea").innerHTML = '


document.getElementById("flContent").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("flFooter").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("flBox").style.height = '29px'; document.getElementById("flBox").style.width = '29px'; document.getElementById("flBox").style.margin = '-189px 29px -18px 945px'; }


// Function to add the current URL to the Link Field unsafeWindow.flInsertCurrentURL = function(){

var flNewLink = document.getElementById("flNewLink"); var flCurrentURL = window.document.location;

return flNewLink.value = flCurrentURL;


// Export function unsafeWindow.flExport = function(){

if(IkariamFriendList == "0"){ return alert("No friends in the list."); }

prompt('Copy this string into the import field.', IkariamFriendList);


// Import function unsafeWindow.flImport = function(){ var flImportValue = prompt('Paste the string into the field below. As of now an corrupted string can get through. Be sure to only import a string that comes from this extension.');

if(flImportValue){ if(IkariamFriendList == "0"){ NewFriendListContent = flImportValue; } else{ NewFriendListContent = IkariamFriendList + flImportValue; } window.setTimeout(GM_setValue, 0, "IkariamFriendList", NewFriendListContent); alert("String accepted"); return window.location.reload(); }else{ return alert("Please import a valid string."); }

return false; }

// Time to build the Friendlist in HTML var flHTML = ; var CurrentIkariamFriendList = ;

if(IkariamFriendList == "0"){

flHTML += '

No friends in the list.


} else{

// Slice the last ; of the list CurrentIkariamFriendList = IkariamFriendList.slice(0, -1); // Split the long string up CurrentIkariamFriendList = CurrentIkariamFriendList.split(';'); // And sort it alphabetical CurrentIkariamFriendList.sort();

var IkariamFriend = ;

flHTML += '

    '; for(i=0;i<=CurrentIkariamFriendList.length-1;i++){ IkariamFriend = CurrentIkariamFriendList[i]; // Split every piece to get the name and link IkariamFriend = IkariamFriend.split('|'); flFriendName = IkariamFriend[0]; flFriendLink = IkariamFriend[1]; flHTML += '
  • <a href="' + flFriendLink + '">' + flFriendName + '</a> <a href="javascript:flDeleteFriend(\ + flFriendName + '\', \ + flFriendLink + '\');"><img src=""></a>
  • '; } flHTML += '



// Add the HTML for the adding friends part

flHTML += '

Add Friend
<input type="text" name="flNewName" id="flNewName" value="Name" onFocus="javascript:if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = \'\';" onblur="javascript:if(this.value == \'\') this.value = this.defaultValue;" />

<a onClick="javascript:flInsertCurrentURL();" style="font-size: 9px; cursor: pointer;">Use current website URL</a>

<input type="text" name="flNewLink" id="flNewLink" value="URL" onFocus="javascript:if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = \'\';" onblur="javascript:if(this.value == \'\') this.value = this.defaultValue;" />

<a href="javascript:flAddFriend();" class="button">   Add   </a>

<a href="javascript:flExport();" class="flSmall" style="font-size: 10px;">Export</a> | <a href="javascript:flImport();" class="flSmall" style="font-size: 10px;">Import</a>


// And now its time to place it in the right position, before the 'mainview' (playfield) div that is var main, newElement; main = document.getElementById('mainview'); if (main) {

   newElement = document.createElement('div');

newElement.setAttribute('id', 'flBox');

   main.parentNode.insertBefore(newElement, main);


// And finally put layout + friendlist HTML in it all together, we're done :)

document.getElementById("flBox").innerHTML = '

' + flHTML + '
