Third-Party Libraries

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With the @require metadata imperative, one can include entire extra files into a user script. This can also be used for including entire third-party libraries like jQuery or YUI.

Most general purpose libraries are not written to operate within the Greasemonkey sandbox and thus may not work properly, so tread carefully.


For a simple example, here is a way to load and use jQuery in your user scripts. Note that @require works by downloading the files once, at install time, and is thus fast and efficient.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          jQuery Example
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

// Append some text to the element with id #someText using the jQuery library.
$("#someText").append(" more text.");

No @require without reinstall

As of GM 0.8.x, @require directives added to existing scripts will *not* be recognized. Reinstall the script to force GM to recognize the @require directive.

jQuery and GreaseMonkey Compatibility

Some versions of jQuery cannot be @require'd by GM. As of this writing, 1.3.2 does work, 1.4.1 does not. Check out this jQuery thread for details and fixes.


Sometimes using the @resource imperative alongside @require can be helpful.

YUI has a nice tool to bundle your required libraries on the fly. After you receive your script source (Loading Script and CSS Directly box) use the @require key for the script and @resource for the CSS (if any).

For example:

// ==UserScript==
// @name           YUI Example
// @require
// @resource       yCSS
// ==/UserScript==

// add Yahoo! css to head
var yCSS = GM_getResourceText("yCSS");

Without @require

For older versions of Greasemonkey (before 0.8) or for other user script managers, there is an alternative approach. This, however, does not have the download-once-at-install-time benefit, so you should not reference servers that you do not own (i.e. or Read about this technique at jQuery & Greasemonkey.