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ブラウザ三国志 自動建築スクリプト By nottisan // ==UserScript== // @name bro3_Auto_Bilder // @namespace // @description ブラウザ三国志 自動建築スクリプト By nottisan // @include http://** // ==/UserScript== //グローバル変数 var VERSION = "0.0.6β"; //バージョン情報 var INTERVAL=500; //負荷対策 回線速度によっては正常動作しない時があります。その際は数値を増やしてください。1秒=1000 var HOST = location.hostname; //アクセスURLホスト var PGNAME = "_Auto_Bilder_"; //グリモン領域への保存時のPGの名前 var TIMEOUT_URL ="/false/login_sessionout.php"; //タイムアウト時のURLの一部 var SENDTFLG_TIMEOUT = 0; //タイムアウト画面 var SENDTFLG_LOGIN_MENU = 1; //ログイン画面 var SENDTFLG_LOGIN = 2; //ログイン中 var d = document; // 保存データデリミタ var DELIMIT1 = "#$%"; var DELIMIT2 = "&?@"; var DELIMIT3 = "{=]"; var DELIMIT4 = "|-/"; //保存データインデックス(拠点) var IDX_XY = 0; //座標 var IDX_BASE_NAME = 1; //拠点名 var IDX_URL = 2; //拠点URL var IDX_ACTIONS = 3; //実行中作業 //保存データインデックス(実行中作業) var IDX2_STATUS = 0; //ステータス var IDX2_TIME = 1; //完了時刻 var IDX2_TYPE = 2; //種別 C:都市画面、D:内政スキル、Fxy:施設座標 var IDX2_ALERTED = 3; //通知済フラグ var OPT_CHKBOX = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; var OPT_MAX_LV = "2"; var OPT_FUC_NAME = ["拠点","伐採所","石切り場","製鉄所","畑","倉庫", "銅雀台","鍛冶場","防具工場","練兵所","兵舎","弓兵舎", "厩舎","宿舎","兵器工房","市場","訓練所","水車","工場", "研究所","大宿舎","遠征訓練所","見張り台","修行所" ]; var d = document; var $ = function(id) { return d.getElementById(id); }; var $x = function(xp,dc) { return d.evaluate(xp, dc||d, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; }; var $a = function(xp,dc) { var r = d.evaluate(xp, dc||d, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); var a=[]; for(var i=0; i 0) { //施設建設数 cnt++; } } //alert(actionsElem.snapshotLength); //建設予約ができるかどうか if(cnt >= 1) return; //if(cnt == 2) return; var results = document.evaluate('//area', document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); var area = new Array(); for(var i=0,n=0; i= parseInt(OPT_MAX_LV)){break;} //指定Lv以上ならメインに戻る //建築物名分回す for(var ii=0;ii= 0; j--) { if (actions[j][IDX2_TYPE] != type) continue; var endTime = new Date(actions[j][IDX2_TIME]); var nowTime = new Date(); if (isNaN(endTime.valueOf()) || endTime > nowTime) actions.splice(j, 1); } villageData[IDX_ACTIONS] = actions.concat(newData[IDX_ACTIONS]); } allData[i] = villageData; } if (!exists) allData.push(newData); //Greasemonkey領域へ永続保存 saveVillages(HOST+PGNAME, allData); } //拠点情報を読み出し function loadVillages(hostname) { var ret = new Array(); var src = GM_getValue(hostname, ""); if (src == "") return ret; var villages = src.split(DELIMIT1); for (var i = 0; i < villages.length; i++) { var fields = villages[i].split(DELIMIT2); ret[i] = new Array(); ret[i][IDX_XY] = fields[IDX_XY]; ret[i][IDX_BASE_NAME] = fields[IDX_BASE_NAME]; ret[i][IDX_URL] = fields[IDX_URL]; ret[i][IDX_ACTIONS] = new Array(); if (fields[IDX_ACTIONS] == "") continue; var actions = fields[IDX_ACTIONS].split(DELIMIT3); for (var j = 0; j < actions.length; j++) { ret[i][IDX_ACTIONS][j] = new Array(); if (actions[j] == "") continue; var item = actions[j].split(DELIMIT4); if (item[IDX2_TYPE] == undefined) item[IDX2_TYPE] = "C"; ret[i][IDX_ACTIONS][j][IDX2_STATUS] = item[IDX2_STATUS]; ret[i][IDX_ACTIONS][j][IDX2_TIME] = item[IDX2_TIME]; ret[i][IDX_ACTIONS][j][IDX2_TYPE] = item[IDX2_TYPE]; ret[i][IDX_ACTIONS][j][IDX2_ALERTED] = item[IDX2_ALERTED]; } } return ret; } //拠点情報を保存 function saveVillages(hostname, newData) { //配列をデリミタ区切り文字列に変換 var newDataStr = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < newData.length; i++) { var villageData = newData[i]; var actions = villageData[IDX_ACTIONS]; //配列をデリミタ区切り文字列に変換 for (var j = 0; j < actions.length; j++) { actions[j] = genDelimitString(actions[j], DELIMIT4); } villageData[IDX_ACTIONS] = genDelimitString(actions, DELIMIT3); newDataStr[i] = genDelimitString(villageData, DELIMIT2); } if(newDataStr.length==0){ return ; } //Greasemondey領域へ永続保存 GM_setValue(hostname, genDelimitString(newDataStr, DELIMIT1)); //alert(genDelimitString(newDataStr, DELIMIT1)); } //デリミタ区切り文字列生成 function genDelimitString(dataArray, delimiter) { var ret = ""; for (var i=0; i < dataArray.length; i++) { if (dataArray[i] != undefined) ret += dataArray[i]; if (i < dataArray.length-1) ret += delimiter; } return ret; } //URLパラメータ取得 function getParameter(key) { var str ="?"); if (str.length < 2) { return ""; } var params = str[1].split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { var keyVal = params[i].split("="); if (keyVal[0] == key && keyVal.length == 2) { return decodeURIComponent(keyVal[1]); } } return ""; } //先頭ゼロ付加 function padZero(num) { var result; if (num < 10) { result = "0" + num; } else { result = "" + num; } return result; } //先頭ゼロ除去 function trimZero(str) { var res = str.replace(/^0*/, ""); if (res == "") res = "0"; return res; } //空白除去 function trim(str) { if (str == undefined) return ""; return str.replace(/^[  \t\r\n]+|[  \t\r\n]+$/g, ""); } //数値チェック function isNumeric(num) { if (num.match(/^-?[0-9]+$/)) { return true; } return false; } //子Element取得 function getChildElement(parentNode, position) { var current = 0; for (var i = 0; i < parentNode.childNodes.length; i++){ var childNode = parentNode.childNodes[i]; if (childNode.nodeType == 1) { if (current == position) { return childNode; } current++; } } return undefined; } //時刻計算(現在時刻に加算、引数hh:mm:ss) function computeTime(clock) { var hour = parseInt(trimZero( clock.replace(/^([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})$/, "$1"))); if (isNaN(hour)) hour = 0; var min = parseInt(trimZero( clock.replace(/^([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})$/, "$2"))); if (isNaN(min)) min = 0; var sec = parseInt(trimZero( clock.replace(/^([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})$/, "$3"))); if (isNaN(sec)) sec = 0; var now = new Date(); var resTime = new Date(); resTime.setHours(now.getHours() + hour); resTime.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() + min); resTime.setSeconds(now.getSeconds() + sec); return resTime; } //日時文字列編集(yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss) function generateDateString(date) { var res = "" + date.getFullYear() + "/" + padZero(date.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + padZero(date.getDate()) + " " + padZero(date.getHours()) + ":" + padZero(date.getMinutes()) + ":" + padZero(date.getSeconds()); return res; } //日時文字列編集2(mm/dd hh:mm:ss) function generateDateString2(date) { var res = "" + padZero(date.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + padZero(date.getDate()) + " " + padZero(date.getHours()) + ":" + padZero(date.getMinutes()) + ":" + padZero(date.getSeconds());; return res; } //残時間文字列編集 function generateWaitTimeString(time1, time2) { var result = ""; var waitTimeSec = Math.ceil((time1.getTime() - time2.getTime()) / 1000); result += Math.floor(waitTimeSec / (60*60)); result += ":"; result += padZero(Math.floor((waitTimeSec % (60*60)) / 60)); result += ":"; result += padZero(waitTimeSec % 60); return result; } function ccreateTextBox(container, id, def, text, title, size, left ) { left += 2; var dv = d.createElement("div"); = "2px"; left + "px"; dv.title = title; var tb = d.createElement("input"); tb.type = "text"; = id; tb.value = def; tb.size = size; var tx = d.createTextNode(text); tx.title = title; dv.appendChild(tx); dv.appendChild(tb); container.appendChild(dv); return tb; } function ccreateCheckBox(container, id, def, text, title, left ) { left += 2; var dv = d.createElement("div"); = "2px"; left + "px"; dv.title = title; var cb = d.createElement("input"); cb.type = "checkbox"; = id; cb.value = 1; if( def ) cb.checked = true; var lb = d.createElement("label"); lb.htmlFor = id; var tx = d.createTextNode(text); lb.appendChild( tx ); dv.appendChild(cb); dv.appendChild(lb); container.appendChild(dv); return cb; } function ccreateButton(container, text, title, func) { var btn = d.createElement("input"); = "1px"; btn.type = "button"; btn.value = text; btn.title = title; container.appendChild(d.createTextNode(" ")); container.appendChild(btn); container.appendChild(d.createTextNode(" ")); $e(btn, "click", func); return btn; } function cgetCheckBoxValue(id) { var c = id; if( !c ) return 0; if( !c.checked ) return 0; return 1; } function cgetTextBoxValue(id) { var c = id; if( !c ) return ""; return c.value; } function Chek_Sigen(area){ //costs var cost_wood = [ [10,35,40,15], [25, 88, 100, 38], [58, 202, 230, 86], [173, 604, 690, 259], [431, 1510, 1725, 647], [1466, 2847, 3019, 1294], [2493, 4839, 5132, 2200], [3490, 6775, 7186, 3080], [4537, 8807, 9341, 4003], [5898, 11450, 12144, 5204], [8119, 14434, 15787, 6766], [11366, 20207, 22101, 9472], [17050, 30311, 33152, 14208], [25575, 45467, 49729, 21312], [38362, 68199, 74593, 31698] ]; var cost_stone= [ [40, 10, 35, 15], [100, 25, 88, 38], [230, 58, 202, 86], [690, 173, 604, 259], [1725, 431, 1510, 647], [3019, 1466, 2847, 1294], [5132, 2493, 4839, 2200], [7186, 3490, 6775, 3080], [9341, 4537, 8807, 4003], [12144, 5898, 11450, 5204], [15787, 8119, 14434, 6766], [22101, 11366, 20207, 9472], [33152, 17050, 30311, 14208], [49729, 25575, 45467, 21312], [74593, 38362, 68199, 31968] ]; var cost_iron=[ [35, 40, 10, 15], [88, 100, 25, 38], [202, 230, 58, 86], [604, 690, 173, 259], [1510, 1725, 431, 647], [2847, 3019, 1466, 1294], [4839, 5132, 2493, 2200], [6775, 7186, 3490, 3080], [8807, 9341, 4537, 4003], [11450, 12144, 5898, 5204], [14434, 15787, 8119, 6766], [20207, 22101, 11366, 9472], [30311, 33152, 17050, 14208], [45467, 49729, 25575, 21312], [68199, 74593, 38362, 31968] ]; var cost_rice=[ [35, 35, 30, 0], [88, 88, 75, 0], [202, 202, 173, 0], [604, 604, 518, 0], [1510, 1510, 1294, 0], [3019, 3019, 2588, 0], [5132, 5132, 4399, 0], [7186, 7186, 6159, 0], [9341, 9341, 8007, 0], [12144, 12144, 10409, 0], [15787, 15787, 13532, 0], [22101, 22101, 18944, 0], [33152, 33152, 28416, 0], [49729, 49729, 42625, 0], [74593, 74593, 63937, 0] ]; var cost_souko=[ [83, 141, 83, 63], [167, 281, 167, 126], [300, 506, 300, 226], [479, 810, 479, 362], [671, 1134, 671, 507], [1044, 1253, 1044, 835], [1462, 1754, 1462, 1169], [1973, 2368, 1973, 1578], [2664, 3196, 2664, 2131], [3596, 4315, 3596, 2877], [4854, 5825, 4854, 3883], [6311, 7573, 6311, 5048], [8204, 9845, 8204, 6563], [10255, 12306, 10255, 8204], [12819, 15382, 12819, 10255], [15382, 18459, 15382, 12306], [18459, 22151, 18459, 14767], [21228, 21228, 25473, 16982], [24412, 29294, 24412, 19529], [28074, 33688, 28074, 22459] ]; var cost_syukusya=[ [35, 20, 35, 80], [53, 30, 53, 120], [89, 51, 89, 204], [147, 84, 147, 337], [228, 130, 228, 522], [336, 192, 336, 767], [476, 272, 476, 1089], [653, 373, 653, 1492], [868, 496, 868, 1984], [1129, 645, 1129, 2580], [2032, 1161, 2032, 4644], [3658, 2090, 3658, 4644], [6951, 3971, 6950, 15882], [13205, 7544, 13205, 30177], [25090, 14334, 25090, 57336] ]; var cost_kojo=[ [780, 1560, 1560, 3900], [1248, 2496, 2496, 6240], [1997, 3994, 3994, 9984], [4193, 6290, 6290, 11182], [5871, 8806, 8806, 15655], [10958, 13698, 13698, 16437], [15342, 19177, 19177, 23013], [19944, 24930, 24930, 29916], [25928, 32410, 32410, 38891], [33706, 42132, 42132, 50559] ]; var cost_suisya=[ [2940, 980, 980, 4900], [4704, 1568, 1568, 7840], [7526, 2509, 2509, 12544], [10537, 5268, 5268, 14049], [14751, 7376, 7376, 19668], [20652, 13768, 13768, 20652], [28913, 19275, 19275, 28913], [37587, 25058, 25058, 37587], [48863, 32576, 32576, 48863], [63523, 42348, 42348, 63523] ]; var cost_ichiba=[ [100, 100, 50, 50], [334, 334, 191, 191], [1035, 1035, 592, 592], [2795, 2795, 1600, 1600], [6328, 6328, 4218, 4218], [13288, 13288, 8859, 8859], [25248, 25248, 16832, 16832], [42921, 42921, 28614, 28614], [64381, 64381, 42921, 42921], [90134, 90134, 60089, 60089] ]; var cost_kenkyu=[ [275, 110, 110, 55], [413, 165, 165, 83], [619, 248, 248, 124], [1486, 836, 836, 557], [2228, 1253, 1253, 836], [7521, 6267, 6267, 5015], [13538, 11282, 11282, 9025], [21436, 17862, 17862, 14290], [44675, 37228, 37228, 29784], [87725, 73104, 73104, 58483] ]; var cost_kunren=[ [1500, 1600, 2500, 3300], [2100, 2240, 3500, 3300], [2940, 3136, 4900, 6468], [6629, 7326, 13955, 6978], [13257, 14653, 27910, 13955], [32097, 37679, 55821, 13955], [64194, 75358, 111642, 27910], [128388, 150716, 223283, 55821], [256776, 301432, 446566, 111642], [513551, 602865, 893133, 223283] ]; var cost_kajiba=[ [150, 200, 340, 170], [400, 300, 680, 340], [780, 585, 1326, 663], [1482, 1112, 2519, 1260], [2742, 2056, 4661, 2330], [4935, 3701, 8390, 4195], [8636, 6477, 14682, 7341], [17640, 14112, 28223, 10584], [31566, 25253, 50506, 18940], [50506, 40404, 80809, 30303] ]; var cost_bougu=[ [150, 200, 340, 170], [300, 400, 680, 340], [585, 780, 1326, 663], [1112, 1482, 2519, 1260], [2056, 2742, 4661, 2330], [3701, 4935, 8390, 4195], [6477, 8636, 14682, 7341], [14112, 17640, 28223, 10584], [25253, 31566, 50506, 18940], [40404, 50506, 80809, 30303] ]; var cost_heiki=[ [216, 216, 216, 72], [432, 432, 432, 144], [864, 864, 864, 288], [1224, 1224, 1224, 648], [1836, 1836, 1836, 972], [2662, 2662, 2662, 1409], [3860, 3860, 3860, 2044], [7357, 7357, 7357, 2452], [13242, 13242, 13242, 4414], [23836, 23836, 23836, 7945], [42905, 42905, 42905, 14302], [77229, 77229, 77229, 25743], [139013, 139013, 139013, 46338], [278026, 278026, 278026, 92675], [556051, 556051, 556051, 185350] ]; var cost_doujaku=[ [700, 3500, 2100, 700], [1120, 5600, 3360, 1120], [1792, 8960, 5376, 1792], [3763, 10035, 7526, 3763], [5263, 14049, 10537, 5268], [9834, 14752, 14752, 9834], [13768, 20652, 20652, 13768], [17899, 26848, 26848, 17899], [23268, 34902, 34902, 23268], [30249, 45373, 45373, 30249] ]; var cost_renpei=[ [112, 107, 107, 122], [224, 214, 214, 244], [448, 428, 428, 488], [759, 725, 725, 826], [1214, 1160, 1160, 1322], [2209, 2110, 2110, 2406], [3331, 3182, 3182, 3627], [4958, 4736, 4736, 5400], [8091, 7729, 7729, 8813], [11130, 10632, 10632, 12122] ]; var cost_heisya=[ [72, 360, 72, 216], [144, 720, 144, 432], [288, 1440, 288, 864], [648, 1728, 648, 1296], [972, 2592, 972, 1944], [1409, 3758, 1409, 2819], [2725, 4088, 2725, 4088], [6744, 9810, 5518, 2453], [12140, 17658, 9933, 4415], [21852, 31784, 17879, 7946], [39333, 57212, 32182, 14303], [70800, 96545, 64364, 25745], [127440, 173781, 115854, 46342], [254879, 324392, 254879, 92683], [509759, 648784, 509759, 185367] ]; var cost_yumi=[ [360, 72, 72, 216], [720, 144, 144, 432], [1440, 288, 288, 864], [1728, 648, 648, 1296], [2592, 972, 972, 1944], [3758, 1409, 1409, 2819], [5450, 2044, 2044, 4087], [9810, 6131, 6131, 2453], [17658, 12140, 9933, 4415], [31784, 21852, 17879, 7946], [57212, 39333, 32182, 14303], [96545, 70800, 64364, 25745], [173781, 127440, 115854, 46342], [324392, 254879, 254879, 92683], [648784, 509759, 509759, 185367] ]; var cost_uma=[ [72, 72, 360, 216], [144, 144, 720, 432], [288, 288, 1440, 864], [648, 648, 1728, 1296], [972, 972, 2592, 1944], [1409, 1409, 3758, 2891], [2044, 2044, 5450, 4087], [5518, 6744, 9810, 2453], [9933, 12140, 17658, 4415], [17879, 21852, 31784, 7946], [32182, 39333, 57212, 14303], [64364, 70800, 96545, 25745], [115854, 127440, 173781, 46342], [254879, 254879, 324392, 92683], [509759, 509759, 648784, 185367] ]; var cost_shiro=[ [0, 0, 0, 0], [1404, 546, 390, 780], [2570, 1000, 714, 1428], [4161, 2081, 2081, 2081], [7102, 3552, 3552, 3552], [9056, 9056, 6037, 6037], [14384, 14384, 9589, 9589], [22773, 22773, 15183, 15183], [33562, 33562, 22374, 22374], [44402, 57559, 32890, 29602], [65122, 84418, 48239, 43415], [95317, 123558, 70605, 63544], [113458, 154716, 154716, 92830], [150418, 150418, 315878, 135375], [219008, 219008, 492770, 164258], [294820, 294820, 663345, 221115], [488220, 488220, 827854, 318406], [839130, 839130, 915414, 457707], [1307581, 1307581, 1354280, 700491], [1901938, 1901938, 1969864, 1018896] ]; var cost_toride=[ [104, 400, 136, 160], [243, 936, 319, 374], [438, 1685, 573, 673], [1110, 2467, 1357, 1233], [1887, 4194, 2307, 2097], [3236, 7191, 3954, 3596], [5177, 11505, 6327, 5753], [10430, 18776, 13560, 9387], [18839, 33912, 24492, 16956], [33914, 61043, 44087, 30523], [66939, 106495, 85196, 45640], [119786, 190570, 152456, 81672], [213820, 340166, 272133, 145786], [423566, 505021, 456148, 244365], [708513, 844765, 763014, 408756] ]; var cost_mura=[ [400, 136, 104, 160], [936, 319, 243, 374], [1685, 573, 438, 673], [2467, 1357, 1110, 1233], [4194, 2307, 1887, 2097], [7191, 3954, 3236, 3596], [11505, 6327, 5177, 5753], [18776, 13560, 10430, 9387], [33912, 24492, 18839, 16956], [61043, 44087, 33914, 30523], [106495, 85196, 66939, 45640], [190570, 152456, 119786, 81672], [340166, 272133, 213820, 145786], [505021, 456148, 423566, 244365], [844765, 763014, 708513, 408756] ]; var cost_daisyukusya=[ [200, 114, 200, 438], [320, 183, 320, 701], [512, 293, 512, 1121], [768, 439, 768, 1682], [1152, 658, 1152, 2523], [1728, 987, 1728, 3784], [2419, 1382, 2419, 5298], [3387, 1935, 3387, 7418], [4741, 2709, 4741, 10385], [6637, 3793, 6637, 14538], [8628, 4930, 8628, 18900], [11217, 6409, 11217, 24570], [14582, 8332, 14582, 31941], [18956, 11735, 18956, 40620], [25817, 16429, 25817, 49286], [32271, 22003, 32271, 60141], [42172, 29337, 42172, 69675], [52715, 38963, 52715, 84803], [66009, 49506, 66009, 93512], [79211, 62708, 79211, 108914] ]; var cost_ennseikunren=[ [2884, 4486, 5977, 2723], [4614, 7177, 9484, 4357], [7382, 11483, 15174, 6972], [11811, 18373, 24279, 11155], [18898, 29397, 38846, 17848], [28347, 44096, 58269, 26772], [42521, 66143, 87404, 40158], [63781, 99215, 131105, 60238], [89294, 138901, 183548, 84333], [125011, 194461, 256967, 118066], [175015, 272246, 359754, 165292], [227520, 353920, 467680, 214880], [295776, 460096, 607984, 279344] ]; var cost_miharidai=[ [600, 840, 600, 360 ], [960, 1344, 960, 576], [1536, 2150, 1536, 922], [2458, 3441, 2458, 1475], [3932, 5505, 3932, 2359], [6291, 8808, 6291, 3775], [9437, 13212, 9437, 5662], [14156, 19818, 14156, 8493], [21233, 29727, 21233, 12740], [31850, 44590, 31850, 19110], [44590, 62426, 44590, 26754], [62426, 87396, 62426, 37456], [87397, 122355, 87397, 52438], [122355, 171297, 122355, 73413], [159062, 222686, 159062, 95437], [206780, 289492, 206780, 124068] ]; var cost_syugyouzyo=[ [1600, 1200, 600, 600], [2240, 1680, 840, 840], [3136, 2352, 1176, 1176], [4390, 3293, 1646, 1646], [6146, 4610, 2305, 2305], [8605, 6454, 3227, 3227], [11186, 8390, 4195, 4195], [14542, 10907, 5453, 5453], [18905, 14179, 7089, 7089], [24577, 18433, 9216, 9216], [31950, 23963, 11981, 11981], [38340, 28755, 14378, 14378], [46008, 34506, 17253, 17253], [55210, 41407, 20704, 20704], [66252, 49689, 24844, 24844], [72877, 54658, 27329, 27329], [80164, 60123, 30062, 30062], [88181, 66136, 33068, 33068], [96999, 72749, 36375, 36375], [106699, 80024, 40012, 40012] ]; var costs = []; costs["城"] = cost_shiro; costs["伐採所"] = cost_wood; costs["石切り場"] = cost_stone; costs["製鉄所"] = cost_iron; costs["畑"] = cost_rice; costs["倉庫"] = cost_souko; costs["銅雀台"] = cost_doujaku; costs["鍛冶場"] = cost_kajiba; costs["防具工場"] = cost_bougu; costs["練兵所"] = cost_renpei; costs["兵舎"] = cost_heisya; costs["弓兵舎"] = cost_yumi; costs["厩舎"] = cost_uma; costs["宿舎"] = cost_syukusya; costs["兵器工房"] = cost_heiki; costs["市場"] = cost_ichiba; costs["訓練所"] = cost_kunren; costs["水車"] = cost_suisya; costs["工場"] = cost_kojo; costs["研究所"] = cost_kenkyu; costs["大宿舎"] = cost_daisyukusya; costs["遠征訓練所"] = cost_ennseikunren; costs["見張り台"] = cost_miharidai; costs["修行所"] = cost_syugyouzyo; costs["砦"] = cost_toride; costs["村"] = cost_mura; //alert( +":" + +":" +area.xy ); var RES_NOW = []; RES_NOW["wood"] = parseInt( $("wood").innerHTML, 10 ); RES_NOW["stone"] = parseInt( $("stone").innerHTML, 10 ); RES_NOW["iron"] = parseInt( $("iron").innerHTML, 10 ); RES_NOW["rice"] = parseInt( $("rice").innerHTML, 10 ); try { if( costs[].length <= parseInt( || // maxinum level reached RES_NOW.wood < costs[][parseInt(][0] || RES_NOW.stone< costs[][parseInt(][1] || RES_NOW.iron < costs[][parseInt(][2] || RES_NOW.rice < costs[][parseInt(][3] ) { //建築不可 = 1 return 1; } }catch(e) { console.log("catched"); } return 0; }
{{Greasemonkey Manual TOC}}
This section of the manual will be short and sweet.
As mentioned elsewhere, [[Greasemonkey]] provides several methods in its API to enhance the power of [[user script]]s.
They are listed here, with a brief description, but each separate method has its own page with more in-depth information, please continue reading there!
=== Headers ===
; [[Metadata Block|Metadata Block]] : Information about the script such as its name or version is encoded into comments by the script author.
; [[]] : Exposes this information (plus a bit more) to the user script.
=== Values ===
; [[GM.deleteValue]] : Deletes a value from chrome that was previously set.
; [[GM.getValue]] : Retrieves stored values, see [[GM.setValue]] below.
; [[GM.listValues]] : Retrieves an array of stored values' keys.
; [[GM.setValue]] : Permanently stores a value under a key, later available via [[GM.getValue]].
=== Resources ===
; [[GM.getResourceUrl]] : Provides a URL for loading a <code>@resource</code>, such as an image, into the page.
=== Other ===
; [[GM.notification]] : Opens a notification dialog.
; [[GM.openInTab]] : Opens a given URL in a new tab.
; [[GM.registerMenuCommand]] : Adds an item to the "User Script Commands" section of the [[Monkey Menu]].
; [[GM.setClipboard]] : Sets the contents of the clipboard.
; [[GM.xmlHttpRequest]] : A variant of XMLHttpRequest, this method allows skipping use the same-origin policy, enabling complex mashups.
; [[unsafeWindow]] : This object provides access to the raw JavaScript <code>window</code> scope of the content page. It is most commonly used to access JavaScript variables on the page.
[[Category:API Reference|*{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]

Latest revision as of 01:12, 28 January 2021

Greasemonkey Manual
Using Greasemonkey
Installing Scripts
Monkey Menu
Getting Help
User Script Authoring

This section of the manual will be short and sweet. As mentioned elsewhere, Greasemonkey provides several methods in its API to enhance the power of user scripts. They are listed here, with a brief description, but each separate method has its own page with more in-depth information, please continue reading there!


Metadata Block
Information about the script such as its name or version is encoded into comments by the script author.
Exposes this information (plus a bit more) to the user script.


Deletes a value from chrome that was previously set.
Retrieves stored values, see GM.setValue below.
Retrieves an array of stored values' keys.
Permanently stores a value under a key, later available via GM.getValue.


Provides a URL for loading a @resource, such as an image, into the page.


Opens a notification dialog.
Opens a given URL in a new tab.
Adds an item to the "User Script Commands" section of the Monkey Menu.
Sets the contents of the clipboard.
A variant of XMLHttpRequest, this method allows skipping use the same-origin policy, enabling complex mashups.
This object provides access to the raw JavaScript window scope of the content page. It is most commonly used to access JavaScript variables on the page.