Perhaps we could add some "recipes", like in Dive into Greasemonkey. Stuff like "Doing something with every X". Or should we have a separate "recipes" page? -- 08:49, 28 March 2007 (EDT)
IMO there should be a dedicated page, if not an entire section of the site for that. Arantius 21:59, 29 March 2007 (EDT)
So you (Arantius) propose this page (Tutorials) should be strictly for linking to tutorials elsewhere, with any Recipes in another section? -- 04:50, 30 March 2007 (EDT)
- Tutorial != Recipe. I'd love to have a tutorial on the wiki, and also recipes, but the two things are different. --Ldrhcp 10:54, 30 March 2007 (EDT)
- Could you explain the difference? -- 12:07, 30 March 2007 (EDT)
- A tutorial teaches how to write user scripts. Recipes show how to accomplish specific tasks. By this definition, I'd say the "common patterns" section of Dive Into Greasemonkey is pretty much a collection of recipes. It's a matter of general vs. specific, and the two things have different pedagogic purposes. --Ldrhcp 00:58, 31 March 2007 (EDT)
- Another common term for "recipes" in this instance would be "snippets". I'm all for snippets / recipes, especially covering those that the manual missed (GM_xmlhttpRequest is especially missing snippets).
// ==UserScript== // @name artharry Emote Plurk v.murezz 1 // @namespace // @description Easy to insert custom smiley (or emote) on Plurk. // @include* // ==/UserScript==
// ==About Source== // Originally from Emote Plurk v.murezz // author: Muhammad Reza // Email:
// ********** Main Script *********** var smileData = [];
smileData.push([ 'jo di Emot', '', [ '171.gif', '172.gif', '173.gif', '174.gif', '175.gif', '176.gif', '177.gif', '178.gif', '179.gif', '180.gif', '181.gif', '182.gif', '183.gif', '184.gif', '185.gif', '186.gif', '187.gif', '188.gif', '189.gif', '190.gif', '191.gif', '192.gif', '193.gif', '194.gif', '195.gif', '196.gif', '197.gif', '199.gif', '200.gif', '201.gif', '202.gif', '203.gif', '204.gif', '205.gif', '206.gif', '207.gif', '208.gif', '209.gif', '210.gif', '211.gif', '212.gif', '213.gif', '214.gif', '215.gif', '216.gif', '217.gif', '218.gif', '219.gif', '220.gif', '221.gif', '222.gif', '223.gif', '224.gif', '225.gif' ] ]);
var isinit = false; var currInput = null; var rplreg = /\[(\d+) (\d+)\]/g; var pageState = location.href.split('/')[3];
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
setTimeout(function() { var selImgs = document.getElementsByClassName('smily_holder');
// bind key up event if(pageState == 'p') getById('input_permalink').addEventListener('keyup', replaceSmile, false); else { getById('input_big').addEventListener('keyup', replaceSmile, false); getById('input_small').addEventListener('keyup', replaceSmile, false); }
// create tabs for(var i=0; i<selImgs.length; i++) { selImgs[i].setAttribute('ref', selImgs.length - i); selImgs[i].addEventListener('click', function() { isinit || setTimeout(init, 1000); currInput = pageState != 'p' ? this.getAttribute('ref') == 2 ? getById('input_big') : getById('input_small') : getById('input_permalink'); }, false); } }, 2000);
}, false);
// init
function init()
isinit = true; // init contents for(var i=0; i<smileData.length; i++) { addTab(i, smileData[i]); } // init css getById('emoticons_show').style.width = '100%'; getById('emoticons_show').style.height = '150px'; getById('emoticons_show').style.overflow = 'auto';
function replaceSmile() {
if(rplreg.test(this.value)) this.value = this.value.replace(rplreg, doReplace);
function doReplace(str, datid, smileid) {
arr = smileData[datid]; if (typeof(arr) != 'undefined') { if(typeof(arr[2][smileid]) != 'undefined') str = ' ' + smileData[datid][1] + smileData[datid][2][smileid] + ' '; } return str;
function addTab(id, data) {
var myli = document.createElement('li'); myli.className = 'emoticon_selecter'; myli.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void 0;">'+data[0]+'</a>'; myli.addEventListener('click', function() { addImages(this, id); }, false);
function addImages(obj, ind) {
var showDiv = getById('emoticons_show'); var lis = getById('emoticons_tabs').getElementsByTagName('li'); for(var i=0; i<lis.length; i++) lis[i].className = 'emoticon_selecter';
obj.className += ' current';
var data = smileData[ind]; var baseUrl = data[1];
var str = '
str += 'by <a href="" target"_blank"></a>';
str += ''; str += '
for(var i=0, dat = data[2], _url; i<dat.length; i++) { _url = baseUrl + dat[i]; str += '<a href="javascript:void 0;"><img src="'+_url+'" alt="'+dat[i]+'" title="['+ind+' '+i+']"/></a>';
}str += '
showDiv.innerHTML = str; var imgs = showDiv.getElementsByTagName('img'); for(var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) { imgs[i].addEventListener('click', function() { currInput.value += ' ' + this.src + ' '; currInput.focus(); }, false); }
function getById(oid) {
return document.getElementById(oid);