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Greasemonkey sandbox vs. just plain old Sandbox

I named this article The Greasemonkey sandbox because there is also such a thing as a wiki sandbox, where people can play with the wiki syntax without damaging real pages. I think it's better to keep the title explicit to avoid confusion. Motion to move the article back to its original title. --Ldrhcp 00:26, 4 November 2006 (EST)

I see your point, sorry I didn't come here to ask. Clearly my vote is for the shorter version =) Arantius 00:44, 4 November 2006 (EST)

Samsung SCX 4623F Вот купила ....

I bought some last week, his phone - samsung scx 4623FN, the cartridge ran out and what to do now ?rnI called in different organizations , they said they could not help, you have to buy only the new cartridge !rnAdvise , can anyone come across ? Cartridge so expensive ! Where to find cheap ink cartridge for samsung scx 4623FN?

Подскажите, как прошить samsung scx 4824....

Купила на прошлой неделе себе ксерокс - samsung scx 4824, картридж кончился и что теперь делать? Позвонила в разные организации, сказали, что не могут помочь, надо покупать только новый картридж! Посоветуйте, может кто сталкивался? Картридж такой дорогой! Где подешевле найти картридж для samsung scx 4824?