From GreaseSpot Wiki
Most of the information on this site is helpful. See the Greasemonkey Manual for starters.
Greasemonkey tutorials
Warning: these are both several years old.
- Greasemonkey hacks (as a wiki)
- Monkey see, GreaseMonkey do! - Video tutorial for GreaseMonkey userscript development
JavaScript tutorials
- Mozilla's JavaScript Guide
- tizag's JavaScript Tutorial
- JavaScript on QuirksMode
- The JavaScript Programming Language (part 1, 2, 3, 4) by Douglas Crockford
A set of videos of a wonderful lecture by this JavaScript guru.
You can check Crockford's JavaScript dedicated website at http://javascript.crockford.com/ - JavaScript Closures for Dummies
- JavaScript Closures
JavaScript references
Once familiar with the language, one may notice there are many available features in JavaScript which are initially hard to remember.
- MDC, an extensive wiki from Mozilla which details JavaScript and Firefox-unique features alike
- Gecko DOM Reference
- w3schools JS reference
JavaScript Books
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide is well regarded
- For a modern introduction to JavaScript, check out John Resig's Pro JavaScript Techniques